Specimen opa-12
$ 200.00Dims: 1.4" x 0.8" x 0.3" (3.6 x 2.0 x 0.8 cm)
Wt: 8.4 g
Andamooka, Australia
I was told when I bought the material from which this stone came that it is not naturally black- it started out as white opal that was treated with a solution of boiling water, sugar, and sulfuric acid. Nonetheless, the material still produced this magnificent piece, which I only recently finished polishing. It has a dark matrix color of course, and an irregular, uncalibrated shape. It is thicker at one end than at the other, ranging from 0.3- 0.2" (8-5 mm), and a few of the corners are not very well polished. The stone itself does not take a high polish, though it is glossy. It is double-sided, however, so that both sides can be used in a pendant or other jewelry item. One side shows substantial flashes of color-play with predominant green, yellow-orange, and blue-violet colors. The other side, however, has one broad flash of color that blankets about 75% of its surface area. The flash ranges from green to yellow to orange, and then fades to a somewhat dull red glow. It is some of the finest color-play in an opal that I have worked. I think that a pendant would be the best medium for working this stone into jewelry, to take advantage of its double-sidedness.