SARD, a yellow-to-brown variety of Chalcedony
- VARIETY OF: Crypto-crystalline
, SiO2
- USES: Gemstone and ornamental stone.
- COLOR: yellow to brown
- CLEAVAGE: none
- CRYSTAL SYSTEM: none visible (actual crystals are microscopic)
- For natural Sard mineral specimens see our
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Sold lists
Sard is a variety of
chalcedony (cryptocrystalline quartz)
whose color varies from yellow to brown. It is an impure fine-grained quartz whose crystals are
too small to see. While technically translucent, it often appears nearly opaque.
The color is usually a brownish yellow. If the color was lighter, or the
stone was more translucent, or had tones that were more red than brown, it might
be called Carnelian.
Sard is only one of several
chalcedony (cryptocrystalline quartz) varieties.
The primary varieties are as follows:
- Agate is a banded variety
(sometimes with translucent bands)
- Bloodstone is
green with red speckles
- Carnelian is yellow
to orange
- Chrysoprase is
- Flint is generally black
with a fibrous microscopic structure
- Jasper is any colorful
- Onyx is black, white, or
alternating black and white
- Sard is yellow to brown
- Sardonyx is banded,
alternating sard and (usually white) onyx