The Mineral Gallery is a service of Amethyst Galleries, Inc.,
"The First Internet Rock Shop!",
Doris Covey, President. Doris also does most of the
mineral photography since 2004.
Recent specimen descriptions (all since 2000
or so), most mineral descriptions since 2000 (and some from before), plus the web site concept and layout by Stephen D. Covey,
Webmaster and rock hound.
Original mineral descriptions and physical characteristics pages by David H. Sanborn,
geologist and rock hound.
Specimen descriptions and photography prior to 2000 by Jeffrey Albert,
an amateur mineralogist, word freak, and rock hound.
Some specimen descriptions and photography by Steven Friend,
a mineralogist, prospector, and rock hound.
WWW Server hardware, programming, and Web design services by
Amethyst Galleries Web Services (, formerly Terran Technologies, Inc.