The Pyrite Group is composed of minerals with a similar
isometric structure and related chemistry.
It is named for its most common member, pyrite.
The general formula for this group is AX2.
The A can be either iron, zinc, mercury, gold, cobalt, copper, manganese, nickel, osmium, iridium, palladium, platinum or ruthenium.
The X can be either sulfur, arsenic, antimony, bismuth, selenium and/or tellurium.
Pyrite's formula is FeS2 for example.
While this is actually a fairly large group, only pyrite is common and only a few others are even recognized by experience collectors.
The following are members of the Pyrite Group of minerals:
- Aurostibite (Gold Antimonide)
- Cattierite (Cobalt Sulfide)
- Dzharkenite (Iron Selenide)
- Erlichmanite (Osmium Sulfide)
- Fukuchilite (Copper Iron Sulfide)
- Geversite (Platinum Antimonide)
- Hauerite (Manganese Sulfide)
- Insizwaite (Platinum Bismuthinide Antimonide)
- Krutaite (Copper Selenide)
- Laurite (Ruthenium Sulfide)
- Maslovite (Platinum Bismuth Telluride)
- Mayingite (Iridium Bismuth Telluride)
- Penroseite (Nickel Cobalt Copper Selenide)
- Pyrite (Iron Sulfide)
- Sperrylite (Platinum Arsenide)
- Testibiopalladite (Palladium Antimonide Telluride)
- Trogtalite (Cobalt Selenide)
- Vaesite (Nickel Sulfide)
- Villamaninite (Copper Nickel Cobalt Iron Sulfide)