Specimen sco-1
$ 80.00Dims: 2.8" x 2.5" x 2.9"(7.1 x 6.4 x 7.4 cm)
Wt: 5.75 oz.(163.2 g)
Maharashtra State(near Amadnagar), India
The beauty in this specimen not only comes from the Scolecite on this specimen, but from its surroundings, too. The Scolecite is present in the form of several small sprays of tiny white needles, and one large acicular, radiating cluster that resembles an okenite "puffball". I don't know if the crystals on the cluster have been damaged, but many seem to be laying perpendicular to the direction of growth... Oh, well. The aspect of this specimen that likely gives it such value is the fact that the cluster and the sprays of Scolecite rest on a concentrated bed of exceptional fluorapophyllite crystals! These crystals are all a pale green, well-formed with minimal damage, and quite transparent. They have the standard vitreous luster and tetragonal prismatic crystal form, with basal terminations that are truncated by angled secondary faces. They seem to average between 1/4 and 1/2" in length, and there are several of them. It's gorgeous!