Zircon's reputation has suffered of late due to the introduction of a diamond simulant.
So for the record, zircon (zirconium silicate, ZrSiO4) is NOT the same material as the artificial gem material Cubic Zirconia (zirconium oxide, ZrO2).
However with that in mind, zircon has been used as a diamond simulant both for innocent and nefarious reasons.
Zircon resembles diamond in luster and fire and colorless zircons have been mistaken for diamonds by experienced jewelers.
Zircon can make a very attractive and affordable gemstone.
It is generally found in browns and greens but can be heat treated to beautiful blue and golden colors.
Colorless material is produced in this way as well.
Zircon is
a December
Birthstone. It is also one of the
Biblestones, as a stone in the third row of the Breastplate of Aaron where it is called a ligure.
Zircon is associated with wisdom, honor, and wealth.
Zircon is found in many colors, including brown, red, yellow, green, blue, black, and colorless.
For more information on the mineral zircon, see the zircon page.
To see our zircon specimens, see the zircon specimens pages.