Specimen dra-8
$ 250.00Dims: 5.1x3.2x3.7" (13.0x8.2x9.5cm)
Wt: 4 lbs. (2.15kg)
Yinnietharra, Western Australia, Australia
This huge single crystal of dravite weighs over 2 kilograms (nearly 5 pounds). It has the proper brown color and vitreous luster of dravite, and while this tourmaline is transparent, you can see no further into the interior than a millimeter or two, due to the many internal fractures and inclusions. Taken as a whole, the crystal has very good form, with three-sided pyramidal terminations at both ends, and with 9 faces on the sides (3 major faces with minor faces at each corner). While the dravite is essentially undamaged, it is intergrown with a large amount of mica and quartz (everything white in the photographs), and the faces are all stepped in a complex pattern, yielding many minor crystal faces and intermediate terminations. The mica is all damaged, much of it broken off at the surface of the dravite. This is a great cabinet specimen, due to its size and shape.