Specimen obs-1

$ 25.00
Dims: 5-1/4" x 3-3/8" x 2-7/8"
Wt: 1 lb., 9 oz
This excellent chunk of obsidian is that variety which is called rainbow obsidian, as can be seen by the colorful sheen on the fractured end of the specimen. It looks surprisingly like a shark's egg casing, with grooves in its side(caused by air bubbles) that resemble "worm tracks". The sides are covered with parallel grooves that are reminiscent of a basal cleavage, and likely have a lot to do with the specimen's color zonation. I personally picked out this specimen, and I really think it's one of the best that was available.
OBSIDIAN specimens:
(hover for more info)
OBSIDIAN specimen obs-1
$ 25.00
Dims: 5-1/4" x 3-3/8" x 2-7/8"
Wt: 1 lb., 9 oz
This excellent chunk of obsidian is that variety which is called rainbow obsidian, as can be seen by the colorful sheen on the fractured end of the specimen. It looks surprisingly like a shark's egg casing, with grooves in its side(caused by air bubbles) that resemble "worm tracks". The sides are covered with parallel grooves that are reminiscent of a basal cleavage, and likely have a lot to do with the specimen's color zonation. I personally picked out this specimen, and I really think it's one of the best that was available.
no photo
obs-1 ($ 25.00)
OBSIDIAN specimen obs-2
$ 17.00
Dims: 3-1/2" x 2-3/4" x 2-1/2"
Wt: 13.4 oz
This specimen intrigues me to no end! A largish (1-3/4 x 1-3/8 inch) nodule of Obsidian is lodged in a matrix of perlite, knowledge courtesy of an esteemed site visitor by the name of Jerry. Somebody told me that the material is actually the remaining product of the Obsidian's decomposition. I've read up on the subject, and that appears to be true; obsidian decomposes over time, and perlite is one of its end products! Apparently, nodules of obsidian taken from such a matrix are what people call "Apache Tears."
no photo
obs-2 ($ 17.00)
OBSIDIAN specimen obs-3
$ 25.00
Dims: 3.0 x 2.8 x 2.0" (7.6 x 7.1 x 5.1 cm)
Wt: 9.0 oz. (253.9 g)
This hand specimen consists of a single large Obsidian "Apache Tear" nodule that is embedded in a pearlite matrix. The Obsidian nodule has visible dimansions of 1.9 x 1.5 x.1.1" (4.8 x 3.8 x 2.8 cm), and other than two very small chips, is undamaged. It has a black coloration, though its surfaces are coated with a very thin, milky-white layer of perlite, and a pearly luster. At is present size, it is essentailly opaque in normal light. The perlite matrix in which it rests has a color that ranges from pale-gray to milky-white and a pearly luster. A few of its surfaces appear to have been cut and partly sanded, but much of it is rough.
no photo
obs-3 ($ 25.00)


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