Specimen sem-2

$ 90.00
Dims:2.5x1.4x0.6" (6.4x3.6x1.5 cm)
Wt: 3.4oz. (97g)
Herja, Kisbanya, Romania
A frust of semseyite crystals covers a massive pyrite matrix in this specimen. These crystals are prismatic and striated. They reach 0.3" (0.8cm) in length. There is also a small amount of quartz crystals on this specimen. The only damage visible is on the edges, where it was pried from the host rock.
SEMSEYITE specimens:
(hover for more info)
SEMSEYITE specimen sem-1
$ 57.00
Dims:1.7x0.7x0.7" (4.3x1.8x1.8 cm)
Wt: 1.0oz. (27g)
Mine des Anglais, Cantal, France
This specimen consists of a piece of massive lead-gray semseyite with a bit of drusy quartz. Near the quartz are a couple of very tiny cavities. It appears that there may be crystals of semseyite within these tiny vugs, but I cannot be certain. The cavities are just too tiny.
no photo
sem-1 ($ 57.00)
Mine des Anglais, Cantal, France
SEMSEYITE specimen sem-2
$ 90.00
Dims:2.5x1.4x0.6" (6.4x3.6x1.5 cm)
Wt: 3.4oz. (97g)
Herja, Kisbanya, Romania
A frust of semseyite crystals covers a massive pyrite matrix in this specimen. These crystals are prismatic and striated. They reach 0.3" (0.8cm) in length. There is also a small amount of quartz crystals on this specimen. The only damage visible is on the edges, where it was pried from the host rock.
no photo
sem-2 ($ 90.00)
Herja, Kisbanya, Romania


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