Specimen mil-1
$ 250.00Dims: 2-1/2" x 2" x 1"
Wt: 3.61 oz
Thompson Open Pit, Thompson, Manitoba, Canada
This is a mineral that intrigues me; it is rather mysterious that nickel could become concentrated in such a quantity to create this Millerite specimen! The piece consists of 2 layers that have grown together at one end to create what I would call a "clamshell". The entire interior of this crevice is filled with almost hairlike needles of the material. One side of the exterior is likewise covered with the crystals, but due to exposure there is considerable damage. The cross-section of these layers shows the fibrous nature, dull pyritic color and metallic luster of the needles, which grow up to 1/4 inch long(only the top 1/16 inch of most of the crystals are separated enough so that individuality can be determined. There is no host rock.