Specimen lin-1
$ 55.00Dims: 1-3/4" x 1-1/4" x 3/4"
Wt: 1.37 oz
Blanchard Mine, Sunshine #1, Socorro Co., New Mexico, U.S.A.
One of the more unusual specimens that I have seen, this little Linarite thumbnail is rather heavy for its size. That is because the Linarite is coating a cubic galena crystal. That is not too unusual, seeing as how galena is often associated with Linarite. However, there is more to the specimen than just that! We'll start with the galena crystal; coating it is a layer of chrysocolla- it may be turquoise, but I doubt it, because on top of the chrysocolla layer is a layer of drusy quartz that spills off to the side, making up most of the small amount of matrix that is on the specimen, and forming a few noticeable crystals. Finally, thin, dark blue blades of Linarite hug the drusy quartz surface... That's quite a selection of material for such a small specimen! Two sides of the galena cube are exposed, showing fresh cleavage planes where the specimen was removed from the host rock.