Specimen mnt-1
$ 30.00Dims: 5-1/2" x 2-1/2" x 1-1/4"
Wt: 7.0 oz
California, U.S.A.
What we appear to have here is a shard of a large quartz crystal with 3 discernible but incomplete faces(they look like termination faces to me). The quartz is relatively clear, with 2 faces showing a substantial amount of pink Montmorillonite close to the faces, in a layer that could be described as a "phantom". The Montmorillonite seems to be just a bunch of pink smudges in the crystal, but closer examination reveals that the smudges are made up of fibrous sprays of "crystals", or what appear to be. The third face of the quartz seems to be fogged over with milky quartz, which is concentrated uniformly along the same plane as the Montmorillonite. The first picture gives an view of the entire specimen, and the second is a close-up of the junction of the three faces, with some of the inclusions.