Specimen van-30
$ 200.00Dims: 4.0 x 3.2 x 1.9" (10.2 x 7.6 x 4.8 cm)
Wt: 13.7 oz. (388.0 g)
Mibladen, Morocco
The pale brown host rock of this specimen is partly covered with a crust of hundreds of partly intergrown Vanadinite crystals. These crystals are in excellent condition, as only a few are visibly damaged. They range in diameter from 1 mm or less up to 0.4" (1.0 cm) and have excellent hexagonal tabular form, with well-defined edges and very clean faces. They have the standard deep orange-red coloration of Vanadinite from this locality; their edgeward faces possess an adamantine luster, but their larger, basal faces are much duller, being pearly-to-waxy in luster. They rest on a large chunk of what appears to be brown shale that is dappled with many black spots. These spots are round or dentdritic in shape, and show a metallic luster in some places.