Specimen tyu-1
$ 50.00Dims: 2-1/4" x 2" x 1-1/8"
Wt: 3.0 oz
Grants, Valencia Co., New Mexico, U.S.A.
I have never seen this stuff before. The specimen consists of Tyuyamunite (how the heck do you pronounce that?) in a microcrystalline form. Under 15X magnification, one can see tiny crystals intermixed with a bright yellow powder. I don't think that the crystals are made up of Tyuyamunite (they appear to be colorless), but of course I may be wrong. Anyway, the powder is very heavily concentrated on at least 50% of the host rock's surface area. This stuff glows quite well under a longwave UV light source, too... I wonder if it could have some, say, uranium in it or something? Hmmm....