Specimen hem-30
$ 225.00Dims: 4.9 x 3.4 x 3.4" (12.4 x 8.6 x 8.6 cm)
Wt: 1 lb., 14.2 oz. (856 g)
Hunan Province, China
At least 20 intergrown Hematite "rosettes" rest on the granitic host rock of this large hand specimen. These "rosettes" are in generally good condition and measure up to 0.8" (2.0 cm) in diameter. Each rosette is made up of many intergrown rounded Hematite blades. Their hexagonal tabular form is moderately good, as none have a definite hexagonal shape, but their edges are very sharp, and their faces are reasonably smooth, possessing a matte-to-dull-metallic luster. The clusters generally appear black in color, but their faces are a dark gray. The Hematites are accompanied by several intergrown quartz crystals that reach lengths of 1.8" (4.6 cm), are in moderately good condition, and have excellent hexagonal prismatic form. The base rock appears to be made of an almost granitic material that is heavily interspersed with broken Hematite and quartz crystals.