Specimen cas-4
$ 150.00Dims: 2.2 x 1.6 x 1.2" (6.6 x 4.1 x 3.0 cm)
Wt: 4.6 oz. (131.0 g)
Viloco, Bolivia
This small hand specimen consists of a thin crust of a cream-colored host rock that is coated with a thick layer of crystalline Cassiterite. It almost looks as if the crust consists of two layers of crystals, one on top of the other. The Cassiterites achieve maximum dimensions of 0.4 x 0.3 x 0.2" (1.0 x 0.8 x 0.5 cm), and are generally in excellent condition, as only those crystals at the specimen's edges appear to be damaged. Their form is definitely crystalline, but it is difficult to define it as tetragonal; this is due to the intense intergrowth and twinning that these crystals show. However, their edges are very well-defined and their faces are lightly striated but quite clean, possessing an adamantine luster. All of the crystals have a greenish-brown coloration, though the smaller crystals and those in the low layer are much paler. Most are dark enough in color to be essentially opaque, but in bright light even some of the larger, darker crystals show translucence or even dim transparence. The host rock on which they rest is unknown to me. It is not calcareous, so I would think that it is made up either of shale or quartzite.