Specimen lea-1
$ 200.00Dims: 1.5" x 1.5" x 1.2" (3.8 x 3.8 x 3.0 cm)
Wt: 2.49 oz. (70.8 g)
Langban, Sweden
Though it is quite difficult to see due to a substantial coating of massicot, a lead oxide, there are a few small patches of bright, native Lead visible on this specimen, along with what appears to be some massive quartz. What material is visible seems to have a darker color than I was told to expect, but this may have to do with a thin, layer of tarnishing oxide. Close examination shows that there are many small, massicot-encrusted formations on thse specimen that are actually platelets of Lead! Where visible, they have a dull, dark-gray coloration and an equally dull luster. The specimen's density is the key factor- I have only examined a few other specimens that weighed as much as this one and were so small. Its locality is also well-known for producing lead in its elemental form.