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As soon as I saw this specimen in our shop, I
wanted it! It consists of a classic piece of Zairean host rock which is partly covered with
superfine, fibrous plancheite (most of it is crushed), and a single cuprite octahedron. From the
second image, one can see that this crystal was obviously broken some time during its formation,
and the 2 halves separated about 0.2" (4 or 5 mm) from each other. If complete, the crystal
would measure no more than 0.4" (1 cm) in diameter. Its present state, however, makes it very
attractive to me.
I bought this partial goshenite crystal from a
Brazilian dealer in Tucson for a decent price. It consists of a portion of an almost tabular
crystal, as parts of both basal terminations are present, and does not exceed 3" (7.5 cm) along
its longest axis. Though it was likely broken, one can see that breakage occurred early in its
formation- thus, all the broken surfaces healed over to a degree, making some of them very
complex and odd in appearance. Both basal faces, along with all of the healed faces, have the
standard vitreous luster.
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