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I bought this piece along with the brookite/quartz
piece from Page 3 and a single Colorado rhodochrosite crystal for no
more than $75. I have been told that the crystal itself is worth at least that much, so I think
that I did well. This piece consists of two intergrown Peruvian rhodochrosite stalactites that
are partly coated on one side with a dusting of microscopic pyrites. There is some breakage at
the top (or bottom) of one of the stalactites, but they are still in good condition and have
excellent pale-pink coloration and stalactitic form.
I have only seen about 5 or 6 senarmontite crystals
in the dozens of mineral shows that I have attended, and this is easily the largest. It measures
about 0.4" (1 cm) along an edge and at least 0.5" (1.3 cm) from point to opposing point. There
is almost no detectable damage to it, and though it shows a growth irregularity on one corner,
its octahedral form is still very good.
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