CHALCEDONY, a form of quartz encompassing all cryptocrystalline varieties
Chalcedony is
the generic name for "cryptocrystalline quartz", meaning the individual
crystals are too small to see. The term is frequently used when the specific
variety is uncertain (for example, a sample that would be called an agate if it
showed banding), or in technical references.
The primary varieties of chalcedony are as follows:
- Agate is a banded variety
(sometimes with translucent bands)
- Bloodstone is
green with red speckles
- Carnelian is yellow
to orange
- Chrysoprase is
- Flint is generally black
with a fibrous microscopic structure
- Jasper is any colorful
- Onyx is black, white, or
alternating black and white
- Sard is yellow to brown
- Sardonyx is banded,
alternating sard and (usually white) onyx